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You asked, the designer answered: 5 home decorating questions

Owning a home (or renting one) can be a joy, a lot of work or a combination of the two. No ground breaking realizations there. If you've had a clogged sink drain, you know the work involved in remediating the problem. How'd you know how to fix it? Did you inherently know? Did you call your dad or your handyman? Or did you pop on Google or Youtube to find some quick simple tips? The point is, you accessed something to solve the problem whether it was your own background knowledge or that of someone a bit more experienced than you - even it if was your friend Joe who has only ever unclogged three more sinks in his life than you have.

The same is true in home decorating. When you have questions and no answers, who do you ask? Your neighbor Barbara who has amazing style? Your sister Suzie who oozes cuteness in everything she touches? Or the archives of HGTV?

In my home decorating community, fig & farm (at home), I open up the proverbial floor once a month for home decorating Q & As. The ladies in the group always ask great questions, but this month they had some really good ones! We chatted wallpaper, dark grout, dark framed windows, peel and stick flooring and even scented candles. Read the questions below, but watch the video for the answers.

1. Is wallpaper these days easier to work with and how hard is it to keep clean in the kitchen?

* I answer it in the video, but you can read my take on different types of wallpaper here.

2. Do you think dark grout on light tile is a trend that will end soon?

3. What about black shower doors and windows - will they be around for a while?

4. Are there good peel and stick floor tiles or are those just a bad idea?

5. What is a candle scent for a guest room that most people are OK with?

What questions do you have? I want to know. You can email me with your questions at: OR pop into my DMs on Instagram @figandfarm

See you there!


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