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Mother's Day Reflection

Updated: Apr 26, 2021

This will be my third Mother’s Day without a mom. She passed away two years ago. If you’re doing the math and wondering how it adds up, let me make it easy…she passed away three weeks before Mother’s Day 2018. That first Mother’s Day sucked…plain and simple. The second, last year, was better. Much better. You can read that story here.

This year? I’m not dreading it. I’ll say that. I’m actually looking forward to it. All spring as we’ve been navigating COVID in a Stay Home, Stay Safe order from our governor, I have been relishing sweet simple moments with my boys. This unexpected time at home reminds me of a time gone by way too soon and in a sleepless daze - the baby and toddler years.

It was a simple time. A really sweet time. A time when Greg and the boys were the center of my universe and little else mattered. A time when learning happened organically and naps happened daily. A time when I walked in sheer exhaustion from room to room trying to remember what it was that I was in search of in the first place. I have missed that time and longed for a re-do. A start over. A chance to be present in the moments of it. The boys are growing too quickly and each passing minute leads to a passing day, a passing week, a passing year.

This year, I’m thankful for the little things as much as the big ones. The lunches that I get to make daily, that two months ago was a begrudging chore. The giggles and snuggles that are given between brothers.

The garden that is newly planted and the daily garden walks to check in on its progress. The family movie nights and the hummingbirds buzzing the feeders. The little things.

This year, as Mother’s Day approaches, I count my blessings for the things my mom taught me, the lessons I’ve learned from trials and triumphs, the modeling of motherhood from women who I trust and admire – all working together to shape me into the mom I am still becoming.

Happy Mother's Day!

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